We got ourselves a room and we were equipped with our measuring instrument,
So we began our quest for the data collection...
So we began our quest for the data collection...
We uploaded some of the pictures to show our process of data collection.

He looked out for any one walking pass the room.
Inviting them in.

She was all prepared to measure feets.
Along the way she had to bear some awful smelling feets.
But she just shrug it off and smile pretending she did not smell anything.

He was our first participant.

After his participation, he asked for a sweet in which we did not have any.
We could only thank him and aplogise for not having any sweet.

So, one of us went to the library cafe to get some sweets.

These were the sweets which all the participants loved.

The guy who asked for a sweet came soon walk by again but this time with his friend.
So we invited the friend to help us.
And yes, we did give him a sweet in the end.
But after inviting them in and doing the measurement,
the participants lighten up and were gadly to help us.
They were even making conversation with us

One of the group member was assigned to record all the measurement.

The participants were really cooperative.
Kudos for her for tolerating some smelly feets.

Soon we were gathering alot of data.

We were able to get alot of participant.

And the measuring still continues...

Soon we were gathering alot of data.
They were in charge for measuring the forearm.

We were able to get alot of participant.

And the measuring still continues...
most strongly protest that they do not want their face to be taken.

This participant walked by.
He asked why were his friends that walked out of the room given sweet.
So we explained to him that they had helped us to do some study
and that the sweet was a token of appreciation.
And after that, we invited him to help us to the study.
Which he gladly accepted the invitation.

So we told them their identify is kept strictly confidential.

This participant walked by.
He asked why were his friends that walked out of the room given sweet.
So we explained to him that they had helped us to do some study
and that the sweet was a token of appreciation.
And after that, we invited him to help us to the study.
Which he gladly accepted the invitation.

He walked away smiling after that.
We guessed sweets just made people happy.
We guessed sweets just made people happy.
In the beginning, it was very hard for us to get participants because for the first 5 minutes there was nobody walking by. It became even harder when the crowd slowly walked by because we did not know how to approach them at first. But we preserved and braved ourselves to do it. Soon, we had no problem doing our study.
What we felt as a group:
This project really requires the whole group to work together. We tried to make sure that each of the members were given a specific task so that the study will go on smoothly. We guessed our only mistake was that we did not consider during our planning that we should give a token of appreciation to our fellow participants. Even though we only realize this mistake after our first participant commented, we listened to his feedback and discussed about it as a group. We figured he was right so we wasted no time in redeeming ourselves by going out to get sweets. Listening to the participant feedback really helped because for the rest of the participants involved, they were very happy to receive that small piece of token of appreciation.
In the beginning, it was very hard for us to get participants because for the first 5 minutes there was nobody walking by. It became even harder when the crowd slowly walked by because we did not know how to approach them at first. But we preserved and braved ourselves to do it. Soon, we had no problem doing our study.
What we felt as a group:
This project really requires the whole group to work together. We tried to make sure that each of the members were given a specific task so that the study will go on smoothly. We guessed our only mistake was that we did not consider during our planning that we should give a token of appreciation to our fellow participants. Even though we only realize this mistake after our first participant commented, we listened to his feedback and discussed about it as a group. We figured he was right so we wasted no time in redeeming ourselves by going out to get sweets. Listening to the participant feedback really helped because for the rest of the participants involved, they were very happy to receive that small piece of token of appreciation.