Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Data Analsis - Systemetric Measures
Posted by zura at 9:44 PM 0 comments
Data Analysis - Linear Regression
With reference to the coeffiecient table,
C ( Y intercept) = 0.823
M = 0.996 ( Positve Gradient )
Linear equation:
y = mx + c
y = 0.996x + 0.823
Posted by zura at 9:39 PM 0 comments
Data Analysis - Pearson's R
* Please click on the above picture for a clearer view
Posted by zura at 9:14 PM 0 comments
Data Analysis - Best Fit Line
Through the best fit line in this scatter plot, we can see that there is a positive relationship between the length of the forearm and the length of the feet.
As you can see, there is one point that is much deviated from the rest of the points.
This is because when we take a look at our raw data, we found out that the difference of length between their hand and feet usually range between 0 - 2.35 cm. However, there was this particular participant whose difference between he's forearm and feet was not within that range, instead it was 4.1 cm.
Therefore, he could be the reason why that one point is really deviated from the rest.
So as a group, we thought about it to see if we could have cause that wrong reading.
But we realized soon after that we made no mistake during the data collection.
Because all of us made sure that the people measuring the participants, followed what we had plan during our planning for data collection. All of us witness that they measured the reading twice consistently with the same measuring instrument and at the standardization landmarks. Hence we decided to see our lecturer to ask if this plot if ok.
To our relieved, she said it was ok and told us maybe the data is just like that.
Posted by zura at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Data Analysis - Scatter Plot
To find out if there is a relationship between the length of the forearm and the length of the foot , we do a scatter plot
Posted by zura at 8:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Raw Data Collected
First, we would like to show our raw data first.
Hand1 - hand measured the first time
Hand2- hand measured the second time
AverageHand - average measurement between hand measurement 1 and hand measurement 2
Feet1- feet measured the first time
Feet2 - feet measured the second time
AverageFeet - average measurement between feet measurement 2 and feet measurement 2
Posted by zura at 9:53 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Data Collection
So we began our quest for the data collection...
He looked out for any one walking pass the room.
Inviting them in.
She was all prepared to measure feets.
Along the way she had to bear some awful smelling feets.
But she just shrug it off and smile pretending she did not smell anything.
He was our first participant.
After his participation, he asked for a sweet in which we did not have any.
We could only thank him and aplogise for not having any sweet.
So, one of us went to the library cafe to get some sweets.
These were the sweets which all the participants loved.
The guy who asked for a sweet came soon walk by again but this time with his friend.
So we invited the friend to help us.
One of the group member was assigned to record all the measurement.
The participants were really cooperative.
Soon we were gathering alot of data.
We were able to get alot of participant.
And the measuring still continues...
This participant walked by.
He asked why were his friends that walked out of the room given sweet.
So we explained to him that they had helped us to do some study
and that the sweet was a token of appreciation.
And after that, we invited him to help us to the study.
Which he gladly accepted the invitation.
We guessed sweets just made people happy.
In the beginning, it was very hard for us to get participants because for the first 5 minutes there was nobody walking by. It became even harder when the crowd slowly walked by because we did not know how to approach them at first. But we preserved and braved ourselves to do it. Soon, we had no problem doing our study.
What we felt as a group:
This project really requires the whole group to work together. We tried to make sure that each of the members were given a specific task so that the study will go on smoothly. We guessed our only mistake was that we did not consider during our planning that we should give a token of appreciation to our fellow participants. Even though we only realize this mistake after our first participant commented, we listened to his feedback and discussed about it as a group. We figured he was right so we wasted no time in redeeming ourselves by going out to get sweets. Listening to the participant feedback really helped because for the rest of the participants involved, they were very happy to receive that small piece of token of appreciation.
Posted by zura at 6:44 AM 0 comments
Planning for Data Collection
Accidental sampling.
This because we find that the area is pack with people walking to and fro.
We shall use the room to do our measurement and the corridor to get people who happen to be there for our study
The samples - Conceptualization:
Foot - Tip of the longest toe to the back of the feet.
Forearm - Tip of the wrist to the elbow
Special point we decided to take note of is:
Make sure the particpant study do not have any accessories on the point of reading to provide an accurate reading.
For Autonomy - research ethics:
Before we do this study, we must obtain their consent first.
What do we use to measure? - Operationalization
Identical measuring tape.
How often to we measure?
Twice. And we will be taking the average reading.
We used an identical measuring tape to measure the length of the forearm.
A hard cardboard is being used also to ensure accurate reading.
It is placed on the marking for the forearm
A camera 5 megapixel phone to take pictures through out the study.
All measurements taken were written down.
Posted by zura at 5:12 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Our Focus:
Before we choose a focus for our study, we decided to research on what is Leonardo work is really about.So below is what we found out from 2 different websites.
1st website:
Leonardo da vinci is known for his study of human body proportions that is related to one another. He believed that one part of the body is equal to another part of a body.
Below are some common examples to illustrate his study:
- The eyes are at the mid-height of the head.
- The head also can be divided into thirds - from the top of the head to the bottom of the forehead, from the bottom of the forehead to the bottom of the nose, and then from there to the bottom of the chin.
- The width of the head is five eyes wide.
- The height of the face is about equal to the length of the hand.
- The eyes are separated by a distance of one eye width.
- The corner of the mouth to the corner of the eye is equal to the height of the ear. The width of the base of the nose is equal to the width of the eye.
- The pubis is at mid-height of the average adult figure.
- The length of the shin is equal to the length of the hip for an average adult figure.
- When the body stands upright, the length of the arm is such that the finger tips come down to mid-thigh.
- The arms' wingspan (measured between the tips of the middle fingers) is about equal to the body height.
- The length of the foot is about equal to the length of the forearm.
Taken from: http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Body-proportions
2nd website:
In art, body proportions are the study of relation of human body, or in general, animal body, parts to each other and the whole. These ratios are used in veristic depictions of the figure, and also become part of an aesthetic canon within a culture.Some common proportional relationships for human in European art are:
- The average adult human figure is about 7 to 7.5 heads tall.
- The idealized human figure is traditionally represented as being 8 heads tall: head from the bottom of the head to the middle height of a chest (place where a man's nipples should be) from previous position to the navel from previous position to (upper edge of) the pubis from previous position to the middle height of thigh from previous position to the middle height of a calf from previous position to the point just below the ankles from previous position to the feet
- The pubis, or its upper edge, is at mid-height of the average adult figure.
- The length of the shin is equal to the length of the hip for an average adult figure.
- When the body stands upright, the length of the arm is such that the finger tips come down to mid-thigh.
- The arms' wingspan (measured from the tips of the middle fingers) is about equal to the body height.
- The length of the foot is about equal to the length of the forearm.
- The eyes are at the mid-height of the head.
- The head also can be divided into thirds - from the top of the head to the bottom of the forehead, from the bottom of the forehead to the bottom of the nose, and then from there to the bottom of the chin.
- The width of the head is between four and five eyes wide.
- The nose is the length of the first two notches of the index finger(from tip) when measured from the very beginning of the nose bridge to the tip.
- The height of the face is about equal to the length of the hand.
- The eyes are separated by a distance of one eye width.
- The bottom of the nose to the corner of the eye is equal to the height of the ear.
- The width of the base of the nose is equal to the width of the eye.
- The width of the mouth is equal to the distance between pupils, or the width of two eyes.
At the end of our little research, we are amazed by how one body part is related to another body part. With this information in our hands, we will then now pick our focus of study.
So my group decided to focus on:
Is the length of the forearm is about equal to the length of the feet?
Therefore, our research topic is:
The relationship between the length of forearm and the length of the feet.
The length of the forearm is the same as the length of the feet - demonstrating a golden relationship between the hand and the foot.
On other website that do not specify Leonardo da vinci study regarding human body measurement related to one another, also state that the length of the forearm is equal to the length of the feet.
"Even though it appears to be far longer, the length between your elbow and wrist is exactly the same length as your foot."
Taken from: http://everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=991976
Our rationale for choosing this for our study:
We do not believe that the length of our forearm is about the same to our length of our feet. Not only because we have not heard about the relationship but also we do not see people around us buying shoes by measuring their length of their forearm. So by doing this study, we hope to find out if there is a relationship between our feet and forearm.
So our hypothesis ( Null Hypothesis - H0 ) is:
There is no relationship between the length of the feet and the length of forearm.
Our alternative hypothesis ( H1 ) is:
There is a relationship between the length of the forearm and the length of the feet.
Posted by zura at 12:20 AM 0 comments
Our topic
This is our given topic:
Do you agree with Leonardo’s work on how the size of one body part is related to that of another body part for the purpose of instructing painters on how to paint the human body?
Posted by zura at 12:17 AM 0 comments